Why am I telling you this?
Because, who needs booze and mind-enhancing drugs when one can just sit back, relax and bask in the sweet, alluring sounds of Saccadic Eye Motion's latest album, All My Visual Signs.
The dictionary defines "Genius" as an exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability and S.E.M. (Saccadic Eye Motion) certainly does not fall short of this definition. In this case, it's a supernatural ability.
There are no words to describe the enthusiasm which overcomes me when I put on my headphones and indulge in the latest musical menagerie of S.E.M.
"All My Visual Signs" continues the journey, the never-ending quest for harmonious perfection as laid out by previous albums. It is strong and sexual, an orgasm of sounds with colors so rich you can almost see them with your own eyes and forget that it is solely your sense of hearing that you are catering to.
The rapid progression of S.E.M. over the past three years is clearly evident. Ground control? I think not. More like "Mind control" for Major Tom. And, if it's mind control rendered by one Saccadic Eye Motion, then by all means, control away, control away.
I will just enjoy it more and more every single time.
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