2011 will most likely go down in history as one of those earth changing years, a tumultuous year. Uprisings against tyranny in the Arab world, Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and a complete 180 by one Saccadic Eye Motion (S.E.M).
It was not too long ago that S.E.M first came into our lives, enlightened and indulged us with outer world melodies.
In this latest album, Obsessed and Scientific, S.E.M strips away the past which we all came to know and love and takes us on a whole new different path. The path of change, the path of transformation.
If up till now you've gotten used to falling asleep to the sound of heavenly beings speaking to you from beyond the grave, Obsessed and Scientific will take you to the outer rims of the galaxy where little blue aliens party to the sound of George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic or their extra terrestrial counterparts anyway.
Space Funk is what I'd call it.
Obsessed and Scientific is a milestone album for S.E.M and signifies the beginning of a new chapter, prophetic of wonderful and better things coming our way.
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